千尋A系列水草燈 | 七段亮度跟其他水族燈具比較 | Chihiros A-Series LED light to compare with other aquarium light | 4K

千尋A系列水草燈 | A301七段亮度可調跟其他燈具PK | Chihiros A-Series LED light compare with other aquarium light —– ▶訂閱我的頻道 https://www.youtube.com/user/MrRickliu ▶聯絡方式 [email protected] —– !記得開啟 CC 字幕! —– 千尋A系列水草燈一直是大家口中高C/P值的燈具之一,輕薄的外型、透亮的腳架成為口袋不深的最佳選擇 XD 附上七段亮度調光器,對於講究亮度的人非常方便,最大亮度真的非常的亮,喜愛超亮水族燈的人一定不能錯過,最低亮度可以當小夜燈 但是跟其他平價的燈具相比到底是有多亮? 快速的跟我現有燈具一起比較,ISTA 伊士達高之光水草夾燈12W以及14W、小螃蟹藍白燈2.8W、HEXA-360水星高亮度LED夾燈6W白光 -ISTA 伊士達高之光水草夾燈- 尺寸:19cm/27cm 燈數:12顆LED燈/14顆LED燈 光源:白x9 紅x2 綠x1/白x11 紅x2 綠x1 功率:12W/14W 強度:白光6800K 波長:紅625nm、綠525nm -小螃蟹藍白燈- 尺寸:17cm 燈數:5顆高亮度LED燈 光源:4白光/1藍光 功率:2.8W 強度:藍400mcd/1pcs、白40lm/4pcs 波長:藍燈460~470nm -HEXA-360水星高亮度LED夾燈6W白光- 尺寸:24cm 燈數:12燈 低成本小魚缸 https://youtu.be/c8BwiJyNOso 我的第一個水草缸 https://youtu.be/WEE9Y2YAnNo 水草缸 新增冠尾鬥魚 https://youtu.be/drYRTg3zGaU DIY 極安靜過濾器 再開第二缸養蝦子 https://youtu.be/BeyhLlc5hVE !喜歡我的影片 歡迎訂閱我的頻道! http://bit.ly/2V473tB —– Chihiros A-Series LED light is always good performance/price, it is a good choice for those people who have a limited budget, a seven-steps adjuster is very convenient for you, max lum is really bright and min lum maybe a night light but how bright is it when compared with another aquarium light? I do a quick compare with my aquarium light, ISTA LED planted aquarium light, cheap LED aquarium light, HEXA-360 LED aquarium light let’s see what happen —– Do not forget to subscribe http://bit.ly/2V473tB contact info e-mail [email protected] —– Chihiros Aplus LED Light https://amzn.to/383hoe6 Twinstar Planted Aquarium LED Light https://amzn.to/2PpupIL Nanocube tank https://amzn.to/2vubMfE HOB filter https://amzn.to/37s5tGC Light https://amzn.to/2URE9Px 50W Heater https://amzn.to/2uJghTi Soil https://amzn.to/37qhuMN —– Film Gear DSLR D610 https://amzn.to/2vxA7RL DSLR D780 https://amzn.to/2vxA7RL Nikon lens https://amzn.to/2Ss8EcZ SIGMA lens https://amzn.to/2SJ5bpB —– Music: Dub Spirit – Jingle Punks https://youtu.be/tCIaQVelHEE
